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David Tallerman is the author of the standalone novels To End All WarsA Savage Generation, and The Bad Neighbour the Tales of Easie Damasco trilogy (comprised of Giant Thief and its sequels Crown Thief and Prince Thief) and the ongoing YA fantasy adventure series The Black River Chronicles, so far consisting of Level One, The Ursvaal Exchange, and Eye of the Observer.


David has also written the Markosia graphic novel Endangered Weapon B: Mechanimal Science and the novellas Patchwerk and The Outfit, as well as around a hundred short stories, which have appeared in markets such as Clarkesworld, Lightspeed, Beneath Ceaseless Skies and his debut collection The Sign in the Moonlight and Other Stories.

In his spare time, David watches inordinate numbers of movies, hikes, plays board games, and helps in the ethical submission, capture, and resettlement of troveless dragons.

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